Cary 3500 UV-Vis

Spectrofotometrul Agilent Cary 3500 UV-Vis oferă capabilități unice de măsurare. Disponibil în mai multe configurații, inclusiv cu optiunea rulării simultane a până la patru experimente la temperaturi diferite. Cu performanțe dovedite și costuri reduse, Cary 3500 UV-Vis scanează simultan intreg domeniul de lungime de undă, pentru toate cele 8 canale, în mai puțin de o secundă. Precizie analitică la măsurătorile probelor cu volum mic, datorită unui fascicul de colimare uniform cu o lățime mai mică de 1,5 mm, cuplat cu alinierea optică permanentă a suporturilor de cuve”
Cerere Ofertă vezi detalii
  • Measure samples at four temperatures across eight cuvette positions in a single experiment and collect data from each cuvette simultaneously – dramatically reducing analysis time
  • Accurately and quickly control the temperature of your samples from 0 to 110 °C without water, noise or messy cables using a unique and fully integrated air-cooled Peltier system
  • Ramp the temperature of the sample at up to 30 °C/min with confidence using highly accurate, solid-state digital Cary temperature probes that control experimental temperature from inside the cuvette
  • Streamline method setup with the Cary UV Workstation software for scanning, concentration, time-based kinetics and thermal control. A Help and Learning Center provides easy to follow information for all users.
  • Achieve research grade photometric performance, stability and range with a double-beam and double out-of-plane Littrow monochromator
  • Get you results faster than a diode array thanks to a data collection rate of 250 points per second and a 150,000 nm/min wavelength drive
  • Ensure analytical accuracy for small volume measurements with the highly-collimated and uniform beam of less than 1.5 mm width, coupled with permanent optical alignment of the stationary cell holders