Mediul ambiant

Soil Analysis

The analysis of soil contaminants and the determination of their effects on human health and crop growth are critically important areas of environmental monitoring. In addition, regulations are becoming increasingly stringent and the list of harmful substances that must be tested for is growing, requiring the most accurate and sensitive soil analysis solutions with very low detection limits.


Intuvo 9000 GC

Caracteristici: Inovatia adusa in sistemul drumului parcurs de proba (Flow path) da posibilitatea de a revizui dimensiunile cromatografului de gaze, precum si conexiunile si modul de incalzire a elementelor din sistemul drumului probei. Conexiunile fara ferule de tipul tasteaza – si – opereaza (click – and – run) permite oricarui operator, chiar si a celui fara experienta, de a realiza conexiuni ermetice, fara scurgeri. Lamelele de siguranta (Guard Chips) elimina necesitatea taierii coloanelor, procedura efectuata anterior cu scopul de a proteja componentii, ce trec prin coloana, de contaminare. Coloanele sunt protejate, nu doar intretinute. Incalzirea directa si designul unic planar al coloanei furnizeaza performante exceptionale de incalzire, utilizand doar o jumatate din spatiu si mai putin de jumatate din puterea electrica a baii de aer a cromatografelor de gaz conventionale. Cheile ID inteligente, atasate componentelor critice ale drumului parcurs de proba, ne ofera informatii ce tin de tipul configuratiei si varsta coloanei. Intuvo detine proceduri inteligente de diagnosticare a problemelor aparute in procesul de functionare a sistemului si genereaza ghidul de solutionare, pas cu pas, a acestora. Noul sistem GC este perfect compatibil in utilizarea cu spectrometrele de masa 5977B, 7000D si 7010B. Softurile OpenLAB CDS si MassHunter asigura un mediu familiar de operare pentru toate aplicatiile GC si GC/MS. Intuvo 9000 GC este compatibil cu intreaga gama de autoinjectoare, inclusiv autoinjectoarele 7693A si 7650A utilizate pentru injectarea probelor lichide si autoinjectorul 7697A utilizat pentru injectarea probelor gazoase (pentru analizele headspace dedicate).  

Agilent 240

The Agilent 240 AA system combines rugged and reliable hardware with easy-to-use software, making it ideal for low-throughput laboratories. Featuring true double-beam optics, D2 background correction, and the Mark 7 flame atomization system (standard), the 240 AA system is well suited to environmental, food, and agriculture applications. The Mark 7 spray chamber is simple to use, with twist-and-lock assembly and plastic components designed to handle the challenging samples encountered in materials and mining applications. The 240 AA can be fitted with a full range of AA accessories to further extend its capabilities. Features Designed for dusty, corrosive environments—completely sealed optics with quartz overcoated mirrors; optional air purge continually cleans the inside of the instrument to exclude corrosive vapors. Fast response background correction—the high intensity deuterium background corrector has a fast 2-ms response time ensuring accurate correction of transient background signals. Easy lamp maintenance—the lamp is immediately accessible for easy adjustment or replacement without needing to remove the instrument covers. Automation to fit the need and budget—Automatic wavelength and slit selection, four fixed-lamp positions for quick, reliable lamp changes, and a next lamp warm-up feature that saves analysis time. Expandable—analyze mercury and hydrides at trace ppb levels using the continuous flow vapor generation accessory (VGA 77). Add the ETC 60 for unattended, flameless atomization of hydride elements. Upgradable—The 240 AA can be easily upgraded at any time. Reduces ownership costs—Rapid troubleshooting and fault diagnosis keep your lab up and running faster. The Telediagnostics option connects to our worldwide network of on-line support personnel.

Automated Chemistry Analyzer FS3700

Improve laboratory workflow with the FS3700 by running multiple flow methods (including SFA, FIA, iSFA, and SFIA) on different channels simultaneously. Ideal for the analysis of ammonia, chloride, cyanide, fluoride, nitrate, phenol, phosphorous, silica, TKN, and more! FS3700 Features: Intuitive software - FlowView™ Software streamlines operation Fast results - Performs 30-90 analyses per hour, per channel Versatile – Uses interchangeable, pre-assembled chemistry cartridges Flexible – Tailors methodology with two plug-in detector modules Accurate – Expanded Range™ photometric detector and autoscaling software eliminate off-scale samples Analysis Module 1 or 2 chemical analysis channels per chassis Analysis Module Dimensions 31 in. W x 17.5 in. D x 10.5 in. H 78.74 cm W x 44.45 cm D x 26.67 cm H FS 3700 Dimensions with 90-position Autosampler Approximately 44 in. (112 cm) W FS 3700 Dimensions with 360-position Autosampler Approximately 51.5 in. (131 cm) W Injection Valve 8 or 10-port switching valve with chemically-inert wetted surfaces Photometric Detector 420-880 nm, with PEEK path lengths of 5-, 10- or 20-mm Amperometric Detector Silver working electrode silver/silver chloride reference stainless steel counter electrode In-line Heater Included as needed, mounted underneath chemistry cartridge user programmable in 1 ̊C increments UV-digestion Module Included as needed, mounted underneath chemistry cartridge Peristaltic Pump 24-channel, fits on top of analysis module Autosampler 90-position, X-Y-Z (90 samples + 9 standards) 360-position, X-Y-Z (360 samples + 10 standards) Tubing FEP Teflon® and EVA ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer Manifolds / Fittings Polysulfone Analysis Methods / Documentation Validated chemistries for specific analytes / sample matrices with performance data Operating Software FlowView Operating System Windows® 7, Windows® 8, 8.1 and 10 Data Collection 6 channels per instance of software Multiple instances of software can be run on a single computer PC to FS 3700 Communications USB Power Supply 24VDC universal switching power supply for operation with 90-250VAC 50/60Hz source Power Requirements 110VAC/60 Hz or 230VAC/50 Hz Weight (Analysis Module) 19.5 kg (43 lbs.), typical for analysis module and pump, two injection valves, chemistry cartridges, detector modules Certifications CE Safety EN 61010-1 EMC Immunity & Emissions EN 61326-1:2006 Methods:  Ammonia Nitrogen by USEPA 350.1 Ammonia/TKN by SFA and Gas Diffusion ASTM D7237 Available Cyanide by ASTM D6888 Chloride by Standard Methods Free Cyanide by ISO 14403 Hexavalent Chromium Low-Level Phosphorus (All Forms) by USEPA 365.1 MBAS by ISO 16265 Nitrate Nitrite in Water using FIA & SFA Nitrate and Nitrite in Milk OIA-1677 Available Cyanide by Ligand Exchange Post-Distillation Cyanide by USEPA 335.4 Post-distillation Phenol by USEPA-420.4 Sulfate by USEPA 375.2